
" ... Brilliant and innovative minds have traveled from all over the world to deliver rich and applicable content. For me, the highlight was the lecture by Nathan Labenz who is the founder of Waymark, a company highlighted as a success case by OpenAI, and said to be one of the greatest authorities in the world to talk about generative AI applications.

With years of hands-on, he addressed how to structure a reliable and efficient process to develop solutions with AI, data collection techniques, and the necessary skills, directly touching on the challenges I currently face at work ..."
Gustavo Carvalho on LinkedIn: #adaptasummit #promptengineering #aiadvisor #adaptasummit…
Neste final de semana tive o prazer de participar do #AdaptaSummit em São Paulo, um grande evento sobre IA organizado pela Adapta de Max Peters, que reuniu…

Read the full original LinkedIn post in Portuguese.

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