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Critical Acclaim
.@CogRev_Podcast is the Stratechery for AI.
— Haroon Choudery (@haroonchoudery) March 2, 2023
Highly recommend subscribing to the pod and following @labenz for free insights and alpha!
I listen to a ton of AI podcasts and by far the best are where the host is a technical expert rather than a journalist or other generalist. Deeper, smarter, more in tune with their audience
— Chris Anderson (@chr1sa) January 2, 2024
The gold standards are @latentspacepod, @CogRev_Podcast and @NoPriorsPod IMO
I cannot recommend this podcast episode strongly enough. It's simply THE MOST INSIGHTFUL 2 hours content that you can find on LLMs. And it's by none others than @EldanRonen and Yuanzhi Li from our team @MSFTResearch. Stay tuned for a LOT MORE from us soon.https://t.co/uNCeLDP9qj
— Sebastien Bubeck (@SebastienBubeck) June 7, 2023
This one is super. Listened while commuting last two days. My favorite thing about it is that, unlike lots of long podcasts, it gets more interesting as it goes along. 🙏
— nxthompson (@nxthompson) January 4, 2024
Honored to see @CogRev_Podcast recommended to such a high-value audience - thank you! https://t.co/tIzYmSuRTH
— Nathan Labenz (@labenz) October 10, 2023
highly recommend @labenz’s @CogRev_Podcast
— swyx (@swyx) October 13, 2023
he just took an hour to give us one of the highest quality research recaps of recent mechinterp and safety papers, incl the @AnthropicAI one but also some others i hadnt heard of. by far the best in this spacehttps://t.co/rhmWgo85JN